Ok, grilled out with a friend from college, oh my goodness, she's damn cool but as always I'm brutaly honest and spilled my guts on my dating habits, might have screwed that one up. But how often do you see someone for the first time in 6 years (sorry, vaguely remember the Summerfest encounter) and you're like totally in sinc with the person? I would hope there's something there but I'm not going to force the issue, I think she might be involved with someone (pretty sure) and I wouldn't want to put a damper on that, I can be nice once in a while. Totally cool though, pretty much the ideal mate. So if she reads this I hope she'll give me a signal because I don't want to interupt her life, got a lot going on with new job and all. But... Ok, here's the real post of the day, sorry, got side tracked with woman issues. But they were good woman issues.
# of Drinks
So a month ago I was lifting weights during lunch and wanted to see if I could do the amount of weight on the bench press that I was doing before my “minor” car accident 5 years ago. I rack the bar up so it’s sitting at 240 lbs and slide underneath it. Looking at the bar I’m thinking “Ya know, you haven’t done this much weight in a long time but come on, don’t be a pussy, you used to do this 10 times, you should easily get at least 5 up.” Numbers 1-6 go surprisingly well, number 7 not so well. I’m lucky to get it back on the rack as my shoulder is informing me of my age. Ever since then I’ve had this pain, nothing horrible, but I know it’s there, LIKE EVERY TIME I TAKE A DEEP BREATHE!!! Deep breathes give me a constant pain as a reminder of my bonehead idea. I can still lift weights but I know something’s not right. Haven’t seen a chiropractor in years but I figure it’s been a month and it hasn’t gone away, might as well have it checked out. I find a place that my insurance covers about 15 blocks from work. Call them up, scheduled the appointment, and was directed to their website where they have new patient forms available for downloading. I download it, first page is no biggie, name, address, occupation, health insurance info. Second page halfway down under HABITS:
Smoking ______ packs/day ______
Drinking ______ alcohol ______
Coffee ______ cups/day ______
Uh, do I have to answer these? Are they that relevant to making my shoulder feel better? For the drinking, what if I lie and say zero? What if I don’t lie so much and say 6? What if I give a real approximation of 20? Even in that case I’m still lying since who the hell keeps track once you get over 10? Lucky for me they didn’t leave a space big enough for a triple digit number. But talk about a wake up call, having to face the harsh reality that you may consume just a little bit too much (not a lot, just a bit too much). Makes you look at your life and reflect on your lifestyle. I tell myself I need to make a change, point myself in a new direction. So tonight I’m going to the corner bar for some quality time reflecting on my habits while consuming 20 of their finest beverages. Oh, and for the new patient form, I put down 7!!!!