Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dating From The Same Watering Hole

How many people can you date at the corner bar before it becomes too many? Seems like I routinely have three ex's in the same establishment at the same time several times a week. And we're not talking a big bar, I think max capacity is 100. They all know each other or know of each other, and still one of them will want to "get together" with me on any given night. I know, I'm bad. Guess that's how I got the rule #7 on the wall, "Don't go home with anyone named me." Even the neighborhood gay guy looks at me funny some times. So what's the magic cut off number? 6? 7? 15? Mind you the last one and I lasted about 2 weeks, we were seen together so often we were call Brulie (her name was Julie). I got bored as usual and decided to end it. Pretty sad when you'd rather not have sex at all than have sex with that person, but that's how it usually works. And it was even good sex. So I'll wait patiently for a month till the next one rolls around. Usually all it takes is the bartender pointing out rule #7 and it sparks a woman's interest. When I tell them I live in a house 90 steps away they're usually open to the idea of a good one nighter. Life is rough, I know. I'll get to "Gary vs. Sarah" in the next issue.


Anonymous said...

three ex's? i know one of them for sure, i know julie, but who is the third that hangs out there several times a week?

B to the... said...

Oh take your pick, Julie, yourself, Tori (yuck), dated Karen for a bit, Sandy, Genean, and lastly your mama! Am I forgetting any? Oh, nurse Michelle. She was there on Sunday as I was sitting next to Julie.

Anonymous said...

hardly call any of them true blue regulars. although julie might becoming one. can you be a regular at a corner bar when you don't purchase a thing????

Anonymous said...

capacity is 150... does this increase your odds or not?

Diarrhea of the Mouth said...

hey i purchase stuff, once in awhile--lol. mozz sticks are becoming a fav of mine and i got a round of shots on saturday.

Anonymous said...

question---how can you refer to someone as an "ex" when all they did was suck ur dick in the parking lot and pop over to ur house a few times?????