Thursday, July 27, 2006


In my random searches for interesting blogs I found one today from some woman in LA with dating issues. Scrolling down I found this entry:

F*ck Complacency
In my opinion when a person starts getting too complacent that is when everything starts going wrong. You've gotta keep moving forward in your life and never be at a place where you are just a robot, even if you think you are a happy one.

But I do want to stress that I am not advocating a constant state of unsatisfactory living. Be grateful everyday with what the blessings you have. I think it's the conspicuous consumption syndrome that I have a problem with. Where everything is so easy and seamless that we forget to live.

So get out there! Go running, nap on the beach, take a yoga class, make some new friends - but get out of your comfort zone. There is so much more to life than being stuck in your own world.

Holy shit, this is me, doing the same thing every day. I have a decent house (with a wonderful deck!), decent job (although it may be a little unexciting), good friends/acquaintances, I’m generally happy (maybe not sober, but happy), but I am doing the Mr. Roboto robot walk through life. So I am going to make an effort to “get out there”, I do go running, nap on the beach would be great, don’t think I’ll take a yoga class though. But I will get out of my comfort zone. My goal tonight is to come up with interesting things I can do to become less complacent – all while keeping my usual buzz on! The easy things that come to mind is calling ex-girlfriends while I’m drunk, but that’s old, been there, done that. I need something new and inspiring, like going jogging late at night (doing the famous drunk windmill with the arms), but in my boxers with my wee wee hanging out. Maybe a drunk man’s cooking class where they show you the proper techniques to load a watermelon with vodka. Mow my lawn after four pitchers and see what it looks like in the morning (or if I have all my toes left). See how many summersaults I can do back from the bar without either passing out or puking my guts out. Sit on the front step and flip off everyone who drives by, maybe even use both hands. Or better yet moon them all. Even better, leave ass cheek marks on the hood of a certain Acura across the street! If anyone has any other ideas please let me know (besides wearing women’s underwear, already done that, don’t think I’ll be posting pictures of that on here, sorry). Peace out and keep the beverages flowing.


Anonymous said...

There are Yoga classes at the apartments with the pool you like

Diarrhea of the Mouth said...

i wanna see B do yoga--lmfao. the man can't even touch his heels to his ass!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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