I'm a cheap bastard. When I see the letters F-R-E-E I jump on it. For example, last Friday the FA was kind enough to take me to the Milwaukee Buck's season ticket holders annual holiday game. They served a nice spread of food an hour and a half before the game started. They also had free beer. I had 12 beers in that 90 minutes. For the entire game I was forced to watch to jumbo screen as I couldn't see/focus past the cheerleaders on the sideline. I couldn't even tell you who the Bucks played let alone who won the game.
This F-R-E-E compulsion seems to get worse during the holidays. This week, for some reason or another, we've had F-R-E-E food in the office every day. It started out nicely with a potluck lunch with a variety of goodies available. I was fine with that, stuffed, but good to go. But the last two days they've put out a sausage/cheese/cracker spread from Usimger's. The past two days all I've eaten are sausage and cheese. Top that off with more orange juice than I've consumed in the previous six months combined and it spelled disaster. And my new bar, at which you can rent an ashtray for $1 and smoke inside, well, there toilet isn't the greatest. It handled my liquid poop, just not the six swipes of TP that I used.
This has happened twice now. I think they're going to catch on that its me soon.