Thursday, May 06, 2010

While We're on the Pee Subject...

Meet my nemesis. There are two sinks in the men's room at my work. This one, while easier to access, it has it out for me. It doesn't have hot or cold knobs or any way to control how fast the water comes out. It has a motion sensor that turns on when you wave your hand under it. And I really mean under it. In order to turn it on you have to stick your hand in there pretty far. By then you have water spraying off the back of your hands and on to the front of your pants. This gives everyone else the impression that you peed yourself. I've actually thought I peed myself after walking out the door. It's happened before although not at work, but who says it couldn't?

That brings up another thing. While it's a great excuse I'm kind of glad I've never used it. Telling your boss you have to go home for the day (yey!) because you crapped yourself (boo!). What boss will make you stay after you give him/her that news flash?

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