Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gym Class

How come I got stuck with the fat kid when we paired up for badmitten in highschool? And why was my grade dependant on how much ass we kicked or, closer to the truth, how much time my partner spent lying on the floor as he tripped over his feet and may or may not have actually bounced off the floor?

How come I got stuck with the fat broad when we paired up for square dancing class in highschool? And why was my grade dependant on how well we moved or, closer to the truth, how many times the fat bitch stepped on my feet and left me lying on the floor doing the stop drop and roll incase she was coming down too?

Life ain't fair and then some knob posts a couple turds on the internet. But I'm sure you didn't notice the secret blogger add-on scratch and sniff feature. If not, go back and try it. Compliments to the chef.

1 comment:

Swa said...

Just spit out my coffee...