Saturday, July 08, 2006

Coming Together And Apart

Friday night, had to make ammends with both the Roundy's, we all got together and had a good time. They were happy again and I was way too happy, one pitcher at the bar did me in after the coming together. Funny things happen when you don't drink for two days. But in my "coming out party" I somehow managed to anger one of my good friends. I tried to jokingly let her know that I had found her new blog address and had been reading it, but I guess the manner in which I told her wasn't too funny. The worst part was she was writing some stuff about her boyfriend, kind of personal, stuff I probably shouldn't know, so I think I angered both of them. They're both good friends and I see them 5 days a week at the corner bar, loosing their friendship would really suck. I imagine I'll get the evil looks for a while, that's quite understandable. But unfortunately I've hurt her much worse in the past and we're still friends, hopefully this will just be a speed bump in our relationship.

As for the weed carnage I had hoped to see this morning, not exactly what I was looking for. I wanted brown weeds, burning weeds, weeds that just disappeared, but no, that wasn't the case, they're just wilting like they were before. But as long as they're dying I guess I should be happy. Not quite as happy as the Roundy's reunion, but happy non the less. Peace out homies.


Anonymous said...

What you said was actually very mean and lacked humor completely. The fact that you don't even remember shitting on your friend and had to be told later what you said is even more pathetic. All in all, I really hope that you're smart enough to realize that a lame apology in a blog is not going to cut it this time. Try to think of something a bit more genuine and sincere.

B to the... said...

I am pretty pathetic, I know that. You'd think I'd be good at apologizing by now after all the stupid shit I've done.