Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sorry Potawatomi Casino

On Saturday I won two tickets to a Bucks game, a suite even (more on that later).  They had a raffle and I won with a single entry.

Feeling lucky, the Renter and I thought a trip to the casino, with my newfound luck, might actually pan out.  We both went to the ATM and headed East.

Somewhere on the way there I pissed the Renter off and I ended up at home.  At least I didn't lose any money at the casino.

I took the $20's from the ATM to the bank today.  On the way out I stopped by one of the customer service reps.

Me: Is there any way to change the amount available from using an ATM?

Cust Serv Lady: Typically most accounts have a $500 daily limit.

Me: Yes, I know, but can I change that?

CSL: Would you like to increase it?

Me: No, no, I'd like to take it down to about $100.

After 2-3 minutes on the computer...

CSL: You said $100?  Just sign here.

Me: Thank you, this will keep me from going to the casino when I'm drunk.  I won't go to the casino with just $100.

CSL: No,you want to keep your money.  I hope this works for you.

Feeling like I just had a five minute intervention: Thanks, I'm sure it will.

This will seriously save me at least $2,000 a year, probably more than likely $4,000.

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