Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bucks Raffle

A bar that I frequent had a drawing for suite tickets to the Bucks game last Saturday.  I got there late, 7:55 to be exact, and had one ticket in the drawing.  They pulled the winner a little after 8:00.  They pulled my ticket.  The bar went silent.  I couldn't believe it.

I'm not the biggest Bucks fan.  I've watched more NBA this year than in years past, but not really Bucks basketball.  The whole Lin thing and this thing the Heat are doing down in Miami, captivating.  But these suite tickets, free food, free beer, why wouldn't I go?

I walked to the Bradley Center after work on Monday.  I was supposed to meet my friend at 6:00.  I thought about hitting a bar by the arena but figured why, there's free beer waiting for me.  I just got my nicotine fix while I waited for him.

We got to the suite.  The Miller Lite Home Court.  They checked our coats.  They gave us bracelets with three pull tags for free beer.

My friend and I looked at each other.  It was not indeed the true sense of free beer.  In a suite.

We got there at 6:00.  6:45 I went to the bar, out of free beer tabs, and paid for beer.  $6.50 a piece.

We left after the first quarter.

We walked by the Hyatt hoping to find a cab and got one.  After splitting the cab fare and buying a pitcher each at the bar that gave us the tickets we had both gotten closer to home and secured more beer than we would have gotten at the game.

Might have been the last Bucks game I'll ever go to.

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