Wednesday, February 08, 2012


A co-worker let me borrow his Netfix DVD of "Contagion.". Good lord, life will never be the same.  With all the sick people at work and touching papers they've touched, I've gotten a little anal about washing my hands.  I was anal before, but now...


Actually, funny story (I still have some!).  While watching the movie the Renter kept insisting that I start the movie over (it starts on day 2).  I, of course, resisted, all I did was hit play.  As any good movie would, they showed day 1 at the end of the movie (hence the suspense) and I was vindicated, but still.

I have a great work/conference phone story to tell, but I'll wait till I have another job, sorry.

Hands clapping to all the people who bet on the NY Giants.  Vegas can burn for all I care.

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