Saturday, February 11, 2012

Conference Call

I had a conference calL at work this week.  It involved myself, a co-worker, a person from outside my office who was in the neighborhood, and a governmental agency on the other end of the line.  The three people mentioned were all in the same room.

Earlier in the day the conference call phone wasn't working.  Our awesome IT guys got it up and working shortly after.  Around noon I went to the room with my cell phone to test it out.  I called the number, the phone beeped and I answered it.  Everything seemed to be working just fine.

Co-worker:  Is the conference call phone working now?

Me:  I was just down there and I called it from my cell phone and it worked.

Co-worker:  Who answered it?

Me:  I did.

Co-worker:  How did you make the call and answer it?

Me, with both hands at my ears:  I called it with my right hand and answered it with my left?

Co-worker:  Let's have [guy at work] go see if he can answer it.

Seriously, this was about answering a phone.  The guy who fixes most things in the office (me) can't be relied upon to answer a phone.

Two minutes before our conference call was suppoed to start I decided to test it out again just to be sure it was working.  The governmental agency was calling us so I wanted to make sure an incoming call would go through.  I dailed the number on my cell phone.  The conference phone rang.  I hit the answer button on the conference phone.

Me:  Hello?

My voice came back at us over the conference phone, with about a second delay.

Me:  Hello?  Wow, there's quite a delay there.

Co-worker:  B to the..., stop that, I can't hear.  Hello?

Me, sitting right next to said co-worker, with my cell phone to my head:  You do know that's just me testing it, right?


I later sent an email to the third person who was in the room:  Kind of cruel, but how many "Hello's" do you think we would have exchanged if I had continued my test call?

Third person:  You need to get on with your day, but I didlaugh out loud after reading this.

At the end of the day, I still bring it.

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