1:30 am I felt a controversy brewing in my stomach that I hadn't felt in years. I got up and hugged the toilet that I have rectolly defiled many times but cleaned much fewer. I hurled what few contents I had in my stomach with gutwrenching force.
Even worse at 3:30 with even fewer contents left to dispose.
I managed to stay home from work on Tuesday to recouperate, getting up every hour to flush my bowels.
I made it to work on Wednesday and didn't even have to use the spare pants/underware that I brought. I was pooped by the end of the day, but I hadn't soiled my shorts.
I finally got hungry Wednesday night and went to the gas station for a pre-packaged hame sandwich. Very over priced put I don't have food in my house.
That night was almost worse than the puking night. I tossed and turned all night, looking at the clock every 15 minutes. I don't know if I actually slept enough to have dreams but I had images of watching the running of the bulls and the Rose Bowl from a pool at Penn State with two women playing with my penis (I know, shrinkage!). In the morning I dug through the garbage and read all the preservatives that were in that sandwich. I got no sleep at all, but...
If that stupid sandwich gave me those dreams I might be up for a second round.
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