Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fart/Office Visitor

We have a new guy in the office, been here a little over a month now. For some reason he and I get along really well, almost too well. We are 15 years apart but you'd think it was more like five. (I think I'll stop at that before this starts to sound like a love fest.)

Anyway, one day I ordered the chicken nuggets from the cafeteria. The new guy likes to eat healthy stuff and hasonly eaten at the cafeteria once. So I showed him my nuggets (!) and he jokingly mentioned that I should save him one. Not wanting to disappoint him, guess what was sitting on his desk when he got in the next morning? Guess what was in my office the morning after that? So we have this "pass the nugget" thing going on. Apparently it's in my office now but I haven't been able to find it yet.

Last night I had a box and a half of mac and cheese. My body doesn't handle cheese well, even if it's fake cheese, especially when it's covering a pound and a half of macaroni. I was experiencing (and self regulating) some serious gas this morning in my office when the new guy stuck his head in the door, sniffing. "It smells like five day old chicken nugget in here!", referencing our ongoing game. But then his face changed. I didn't have to tell him it wasn't a chicken nugget smell that he was forcibly feeding his nose.

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