Monday, August 08, 2011

State Fair Mob Scene

I'm really surprised this didn't make national news. If it did I didn't see it. The News media here tried to down play it as much as possible.

On Thursday, opening day of the Wisconsin State Fair, a group of 200-300 youth stormed the grounds, beating up fairgoers on their way out and on the streets around the fair.

That's how the media tried to play it off. In reality, it was 200-300 African American youth in the 15-18 age range who were beating up white people. This is not my opinion, just the disturbing truth. State Fair is located is West Allis, also known as White Allis. I'm not talking about rich white people but old school white people, those who've lived there their whole lives who worked in the local factories. Hard working people who don't put up with nonsense. When I heard reports of a standoff with local residents on one side of Greenfield Ave. and the mob of black youth on the other yelling at eachother, it blew my mind. There were ten officers inbetween the two groups. Ten. Individuals were being beaten in the street and anyone who tried to help were also attacked. A State Fair police officer was hit in the face with a Masterlock that was tied to a shoe lace. The black youth blocked 84th St., looked into the windshields of all the cars and attacked more white people. The youth were running over cars on the street and assaulting people as they went north on 84th street. The media reported hardly any of this.

Local representatives of prominant African American organizations went on TV and said the whole situation was not racially motivated but from all the forums I read that was the main cause.

It's really sad that Milwaukee is still like this. I won't be attending the fair this year.

1 comment:

Swa said...

Wow, that's a shame. Is this the first time this happened? We had a stretch of similar incidents at our Westchester County Fair a few years back and it got so bad that they eventually cancelled the fair altogether.

A shame.