Thursday, July 08, 2010

July 4th Weekend, 2010

Man, what a fucking weekend. The Renter and I left on Thursday after work and headed out to a friend’s lake house in Gobles, Michigan. We arrived there at roughly 11:00 pm and greeted our noticeably inebriated friends. I quickly joined them in the festive spirit until I realized that when I packed the cooler for the road trip I had only put three beers in it. (I know, packing a cooler with beer for a road trip doesn’t sound like something a normal person would do.) Beers #4-15, while noticeably warm, still went down without a problem.

That’s about all I remember from the four day weekend.


After taking Puppy out in the morning I’d crack open a beer and light a cigarette. I repeated that sequence at least 30 times every day. I didn’t drink anything that didn’t have alcohol in it. That might explain why I feel the way I do now, four days later.

I drove back on Monday and felt so out of it that I didn’t even pop open one beer (after I got home, not while driving of course). Tuesday around 4:00 pm my urine finally lost the orange tint and turned clear/yellow. But even today as I sat at my desk I had this odd feeling of being on a boat with the waves lifting me slightly up and down. Same thing with my vision. I think my body/liver is trying to tell me something. What? I can’t hear you!

But seriously, between the boating, wave runner, fireworks, golf, falling off the wave runner, and many shots of whatever bottle was closest, the weekend was a fucking blast. I hope I didn’t do anything to not get invited again…

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