Monday, October 12, 2009

Taking it All For Granted

I like to joke around. Some of the stuff I make fun of might not be socially acceptable as something to make fun of, but that doesn’t stop me. About six months ago I made fun of this subject. It had just burst on to the news channels and I thought it was a big hubbub about nothing serious. That’s what I thought then. Now that I have it it’s a little bit different.

I started to feel ill Wednesday night. I sat downstairs and stared at my weight set trying to get the motivation to do something but I just wasn’t up to it. I had to leave a meeting on Thursday because my throat was horribly scratchy and sore. I “made an appearance” at work on Friday but ended up leaving at 2:00. When people started to avoid me like I had the plague I decided it was time to leave. Friday night I sat and watched TV with six blankets on me alternating between the chills and the sweats. I went to bed at 2:00 am, fell asleep in a pool of sweat around 5:00 am, and got up on Saturday surprisingly refreshed. Still I thought it might be wise to see a doctor about my condition. Sure enough, H1N1. The doctor was flabbergasted that I had recovered from it in such a short time period. I wasn’t completely recovered; if you had put a lawn mower in front of me I would have lasted 30 seconds pushing that thing around. Same thing with a flight of stairs. I called my boss and told him the news. Guess who can't go in to work this whole week?

Good health is something that I take for granted. Now that I can’t do much more than walk and talk, I think of all the times that I should have lifted weights but didn’t due to sheer laziness. Before I got sick I hadn’t touched a weight for over a week. By the time I am actually able to lift it will probably be three weeks in between sessions. When I get back in the swing I’m going to change it up. Instead of doing everything in one day I’m going to break it out by body part; chest one day, back the next, etc… Hopefully that way I’ll be in the basement more than twice a week, expend a little more energy, and maybe get back in shape to the extent where I can enter the Wisconsin State Fair’s body building competition again. The last time I did it I faired pretty well, but that was five years ago.

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