Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don't Bother

When you say B to the... looks like he had a bad day, and when you tell your friend B to the... doesn't change out of his work clothes when he's had a bad day, don't get mad at B to the... when he's not sociable while wearing his work clothes after 6:00 pm. You'd think, given the previous statements, you'd just leave me the fuck alone. And you certainly wouldn't smoke in the house without the fan on. Just common sense, or so you'd think. I love writing in the second person, makes me sound so important, like one of those asshole pro athletes or something.

1 comment:

Diarrhea of the Mouth said...

I had one cigarette, the door was open and the fan was on.

I believe I did leave you alone. I went inside watched TV and had my dinner with KaKa. So I don't know what you are fucking whining about.