Friday, May 08, 2009


Everyone has their own physical limitations.  I was watching "Deadliest Catch" the other day.  The captain had been manning the boat for 32 hours straight.  The dude looked half dead when he decided he'd had enough and took a nap.  That's impressive to me.  But that's his job and I'm sure he had a lot of money on the line.  While he was awake all that time, he was just sitting behind the wheel looking for his pods.  Not a whole lot of physical exertion.  On the flip side, would you ask a guy in a wheel chair to be one of your deck hands?  One of the most demanding, physical jobs in the world?
Sure, I'm 6'5", 230 lbs, and play with 90 lb dumbbells at least twice a week, but that doesn't mean Mr. No ACL can carry a case of water up two flights of stairs with ease.  But yet I never say no when asked.  I should be automatically excused from tasks like that.
Mr. Obama?  Even though I didn't vote for you, can you send me about $3,000 out of all that stimulus money you're tossing around so I can pay the deductible for my knee surgery?  Actually, the money isn't that big of a deal, although I would like to keep it invested while the market is going up (IGNCX up 17% in the last 30 days!).  Maybe you could just give me the courage to go through with it and send your sexiest female aide to help me get around and wash my balls?  Oh, and a limo; my Jeep's a stick shift.

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