Monday, June 16, 2008

Folding Underwear

I remember back when I was a wittle kid my mom used to fold my clean underwear every Saturday. But since I've been folding my own underwear for the past two years (I know, it's been a rough two years) I'm starting to wonder, what's the point? You get up in the morning, take a shower (well, I heard that's what most people do), slide the suckers up and you're done. Does it matter if you didn't fold them the last time you did a load? They're not like socks where you have to match them up or anything. So anyway, I'm going to protest folding underwear and see what happens. If you spot me walking funny either the underwear is protesting back or, more likely, I've crapped my pants (I better knock on wood on that one, it's been a while, I'm probably due).

(And for the record, that's #7 in a row off my numeric cell phone. Lot of fucking key strokes.)

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