Sunday, January 21, 2007

No Password, No Porn

It's been 56 days since I've "interacted" with the women on my computer. Friday I was informed by a highly respected source that I'll have to reformat my computer and erase everything that's on it since I can't remember the freaking password.

This makes me very sad.

Very sad.

Kind of like having a cute little puppy for six years and one day trading it in for a new one. Six years of fun and love tossed right down the tubes.

There's no way I could locate and download everything that I had accumulated in the last six years. Sure, I could sit down and find some of them but damn, I just don't have the time that I did years ago. And I'm ashamed to admit but yes, I did actually pay for some of the files. I found one site that was totally worth it, $20 a month and I had the computer downloading 24 hours a day. Since then I have grown considerably cheaper and would not even think about paying for porn again.

This is all normal behavior for a 29 year old guy, right?

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