You know my washer and dryer don't like me. Besides turning every t-shirt inside out, they are now eating my underwear. I just did laundry this week and my undee drawer is practically empty. I think they know I blogged about them and they're trying to get back at me. Then I look around the room, some of my favorite shirts are missing too. Are they trying to keep complete outfits? I don't understand, what would a washer and dryer want to steal my clothes? Light bulb when on in my head (doesn't happen too often), checked the dryer and there's a load in there. Dumb ass.
Walking around downtown today and:
1. I saw a convertible Ferrari. Who leaves a convertible Ferrari on Wisconsin Ave. with the top down for over 30 minutes? Just asking for trouble.
2. Noticed I was walking with a limp. What the hell? 29 years old and I’m walking with a limp. For some reason the good knee was not cooperating.
3. Walked past a group of four business women, all dressed up, all pretty hot, all carrying paperwork/folders, and I enjoyed the scent that followed them.
4. Walked past a street side Cousin’s cart. Figured that would be good for lunch, I’ll pick one up on the way back. That’s if the mother fucker selling them was at his cart on my return trip. He wasn’t. I’m going to shrivel up and die now.
5. If you don't know already, I am a pig. Saw a cute chick in a black dress across the street. She crossed and was walking behind me. I deliberately slowed down and let her by so I can check out the ass. Very nice, no panty line to be seen, wish I had a camera.
Found this on MSNBC:
But startups KSolo, Bix and SingShot — which opened the doors to its virtual Karaoke club Monday — aim to create sites where performances are evaluated and the cream rises to the top.
Great, just what we need is internet karaokee. We need more yahoos who think they can sing but actually sound like very bad wedding singers (never did like that movie). I guess I should be thankfull they're just on the internet and not in my corner bar, we have enough yahoos as it is. What will they think of next, virtual porn? Oh wait...
Went golfing today with the ex-roommate, first time out this year, no driving range or anything. Don't laugh, but I think my pecks are too big to do a proper swing. We sucked. After 4 holes we started doing better, some nice drives soaring down the fairway. After 6 holes we sucked again, hacking the shit out of the fairways that two holes ago we were soaring over. But we had fun. Felt bad for the people we were paired up with, wait, not people, should say kids, soon to be seniors in high school. They were really, really good. Like 280 yard drives right down the middle good. I think I might have to quit golf now. I'd like to blame it on the workout I had during lunch but that wouldn't fully explain it. I just suck.
Gym workout, after the past couple days I really wanted to punish myself, was doing tricep pushdowns, dumbell curls, pushups, and sit ups, all within a five minute period and then repeat. I was one tired and sweaty mofo when I got done.
But I did talk to the 40ish hot woman a bit. Think I might have gotten my foot in the door. Last week when I was doing pushups and situps the whole time she asked if I was training for the military (I really don't think they'd want me). I explained the shoulder/back injury and continued on. Today she was doing pushups so I asked her if she was training for the military, got her to laugh. Ok, dirty old man, checked out her ass at every opportunity, even saw her underwear as she was stretching (white). I know, I'm bad. But she did tell me to have a good weekend, thank you! I need to stay in the aerobic area more often. Except for when she's doing bench presses in the other room with her boobs perched smack on top of her chest standing at attention. I asked lawyer guy (who needs to wash his gym clothes, it's like Pig Pen with a cloud trailing behind him) if he thought they were real. He wasn't sure but now that I mentioned it I'm sure he'll be doing some research.
Back on track, if she's wearing a braclet and a watch in the weight room, would she also keep on her wedding ring if she had one? I think I might ask her one of these days, "If a woman wears her watch and braclet in the weight room, would she leave her wedding ring on too or just take it off?" I still have to come up with a response to which ever way she replies, will have to think about that. Till then, peace out and keep the beverages flowing.
Friday, August 04, 2006
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