Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gym Smile

The gym I go to has three levels.  You walk into the middle level to get your locker and towel.  Then you have to go downstairs to the locker room to get changed into your workout clothes.  The actual gym with all the equipment is on the top floor.  Now mind you, this is at a local university so they have students working at the front desk.  They also have one seated at a desk in the aerobic/weight machine section of the gym.

The one in the gym today was a girl I had seen working at the front desk before.  When she was at the front desk I had asked for a locker and a towel she asked if I had a preference as to which locker I wanted.  I said no, as usual, to which she responded, "I like you."  I might have taken this too literally.  

As I left the gym today she looked up from her homework and I smiled before I walked out the door.  Going down the stairs to the locker room I felt this little feeling like, "Yeah, I'm the man, smiling at college chicks half my age!"  I went to the sink to wash my face and tried to replicate the smile that I was so proud of.

Creepiest looking smirk/smile I've ever seen.  No wonder why she didn't smile back.

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