Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Odd Way To Throw Out Your Back

I used to have this ongoing "zing" with the Roommate (women and children should stop reading now): after a good, healthy #2 I'd not flush the toilet, close the lid and leave the "present" for the Roommate to find.  Sometimes I'd even wipe, put the toilet paper in the garbage - and promtly take it out to the garbage - just so she'd have the full effect of turds staring at her from the bowl.  Sure, I'd catch hell for being a sick bastard, but I'd laugh my ass off every time.

I wasn't planning on doing it on Saturday but the massive dump I took just couldn't go to waste (waste, ha!).  As I went to pull up my pants I couldn't help but take a peek at my great accomplishment, looked over my right shoulder and felt a sharp pain in my back.  I stood up, flexed around a little and figured everything was ok.

Until I went to go shower and realized I couldn't reach my shoelaces without pain.

I spent all Sunday on the couch.  It was all I could do to sit at work for eight hours on Monday.

When I see a coin on the sidewalk I always make a concetrated effort to square my feet when I go to pick it up.  Who wants to hurt their back picking up a nickle?  I guess I should use that philosophy when getting off the shitter, too.

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