Thursday, January 24, 2013


Ever since high school, if there was a bug going around, I would get it two weeks before everyone else.  Having my spleen removed later in life further ensured that any common cold that went around, I got it first.  I was used to this, came to take it for granted.

Two weeks ago at least a quarter of my co-workers were sick, as was the roommate.  I used this as a little excuse for myself; I had six beers a night, relying on what may be a myth that alcohol kills germs.  Surprisingly, I didn't get sick.

Until Monday, Martin Luther King Day.  It started as a scratchy throat.  By Tuesday I realized something was brewing down there and I stayed home from work.  When I got winded getting up to make a can of soup I knew I made the right decision to stay home. I felt better on Wednesday and went to work.

Almost immediately my nose opened up.  When my boss arrived in the morning I was blowing my breakfast out my nose.  And it only got worse after that.  By the time I got home my nose was red and raw from wiping snot all day.

Here it is Thursday, I'm sitting at home once again with snot covering my sweatshirt.  It's quite nasty, even with my lax standards.  Thankfully I have an understanding boss.  I'm kind of surprised she didn't get on my case for going to work yesterday.

I hope by Friday, day five, this whole thing will be past me.  Typically, even though I usually get the cold before everyone else, I tend to have a quicker turn around time to getting back to healthy.  Let's just hope that's the case this time.

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