Sunday, September 09, 2012

Target Return

So I put the Renter's plastic cup with a straw in it in the dishwasher.  I guess the heat bent the plastic straw so I was going to buy her a new one.  Found one at Target and bought it.

On the way out the door I noticed it was $11.  I'm not paying $11 for a plastic cup.

I went back in the store and stood in the return line.  An older woman walked in front of me and leaned on the wall.

Me: Are you in line for a return?

Old Broad: Yes.

Me: Do you know the line is behind me?

Old Broad: Yes.

Me: Do you have a problem with standing in line?  I'm sure they taught you that in kindergarten.

She scowled at me.

The Renter left the store.

I can't wait till I get older, I'll be such an angry old man.

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