Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Love/Hate Relationship

6:00 Brewer's games. Either I get home, let the dog out and hit the weights in the basement for 30 minutes and get ready for the start or I get ready for a lazy evening outside (fill the cooler, make cigarettes). Since it was still 60 degrees when I got home I opted for the latter. Supposed to be 40 on Friday so I figured I'd take advantage of the nice weather. I can always hit the weights later in the week.

Speaking of which, it seems like every 12 months I put too much weight on the bench and tweak something in my upper back, right where the edge of the bench would be right below the weight. I only had 225 on the bar last week but I'd wince in pain right now if I tried to cradle a phone between my head and shoulder. So I'm sticking to 70 lb dumbells and pushups for the time being. Like I said, I've dealt with this before and it takes a month to clear up.

Sign of getting old?

(turned 34 last month)

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