Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Years Resolution/Diet

I know a lot of people make New Years resolutions. I started smoking on New Years Eve, just can't remember what year it was. Girl the FA set me up with, thanks for the early retirement, buddy. Roth IRA check is in the mail.

"Diet", at this time of year, relates more to people wanting to lose weight. Diet to me means what I shove down my mouth. Some weeks, when chicken pot pies are on sale for $.50 a piece that's all I eat. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, that's it, same meal. This week they had chicken breasts on sale for $1.88 a pound. I bought three big packages. That's all I've eaten since noon on Sunday. And one would think, just eating chicken breasts, that I would lose weight. I don't know if this is hapenning, I don't typically stand on a scale.

But I have been shitting a lot. A lot. Not solid either. You'd think, straight chicken, your body would cope with something easy like that. Not mine.

I had to change it up with a frozen pizza tonight, see if the system has any problems with that.

Or the red peppers I put on it.

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