Saturday, March 06, 2010


Went to the casino after a goodly night of drinking. The last time I went there all f-ed up they saw me walking serpentine in the parking garage and wouldn't let me in. Fine with me, probably saved me $500. But this time the Renter pulled into the valet station and we avoided the long staggering walk. Got in no problem.

We found a $15 table that was open right away. I rarely play $15 but its nice to be able to bet low when the table goes bad. As far as winning/losing I was pretty much even most of the night. I had one exciting streak where I had turned my initial $500 into $1,300 but that was short lived. During those ten minutes I couldn't lose. My bets increased to $150 and most came back winners. But as all streaks go, this one eventually ended. Unfortunately my big bets didn't stop at the same time. I think the beer might have had something to do with that.

The embarrassing point of the night came when I went to waive off a 17 and knocked over my full beer bottle. Worse yet I was way loaded and sat there and watched it pour out before the dealer picked it up. I'm surprised they didn't kick me out right then. Ended up leaving with an extra $100 in my pocket but the loss of sleep took a toll on me. Getting to the casino at 12:00 and leaving at 6:00 in the morning, daylight, takes a toll on your body. I wright this now sitting at the corner bar nursing a pitcher and looking through cloudy contacts. I tried to play pool but it just wasn't working. I guess I'll try to force some beer down and maybe I'll feel better. Peace out blog world.

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