Thursday, March 05, 2009

Somebody Should Do the Math

About the Milwaukee County Transit System:


"The installation of video cameras on buses has been an important security improvement, she said. Vivid footage from those cameras showing assaults on drivers and passengers and aired on local television also led to the audit request.


The audit found 3,216 calls for service by drivers - anything from fights to snowballs thrown at buses to rousting sleeping passengers - in 2008.


With 1.35 million bus trips and an average busload of 38, that translates to a 99.76% chance that passengers won't face any problems riding the bus, the audit said."


Ok, what?  "With 1.35 million bus trips and an average busload of 38…"  It doesn't matter what the busload is.  3,216 calls divided by 1.35 million is .0023 which gives you the 99.76% figure.


Stupid fucking journalists.

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