Monday, August 18, 2008

Mr. Compliance Manager

Me: Can you make the next systematic in September for (dollar amount you don't need to know). Gotta play a little market timing here with the down market.

FA: Done. It will now remain at $600/quarter until you instruct me otherwise…

Me: A systematic 3-mo market timing tool, kind of like varying your bets on the blackjack table!

FA: Compliance must love you when they review my emails…

Me: Double down, mother fucker! (That won’t raise any red flags, will it?)

FA: I have a blackberry now. Using it right now… Now I can send and receive email from anywhere!

Me: Compliance manager, my financial advisor is emailing me from the bathroom. There has to be some code of ethics regarding that, right? I mean, it’s almost like I can smell it.

FA: Ur one sick puppy…

Me: Compliance manager, my financial advisor has a phone with a full keyboard and yet he sends me emails with “Ur” in them. Seriously, if my advisor is gay he has to fully disclose that, correct?

FA: What am I to do with you?

Me: I don’t know, sugar, what would you like to do to me?

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