Friday, July 18, 2008

Shhh... (Another Poop Story)

I just took a nasty shit and left it for the Renter. Didn't flush and I closed the bathroom door so it should be quite overwhelming by the time she goes in there.

Ok, I'm sitting on the deck and the Renter just got home. I tried not to look at her as I'm sure the look on my face would have given it away.

I hear the Renter in the bathroom. No noise coming out of the window but a couple of grunts and groans (Renter must be pooping).

Renter comes out. "That was freaking horrible! What kind of person does that? What did you eat today? I had to flush twice to get it down."

Yeah, I was crying from laughing so hard. That's it, I claim the title, Greatest Roommate Ever!

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