Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Working on it

I’ve been working on something for quite some time now but it just hit me today – I don’t know how many readers will actually be interested in it. I’ve been in the planning/writing stages for over two weeks now. First off it only applies to guys so that eliminates 50% of the population. I suppose women could get into it but I seriously doubt it. I’m not being sexist here or anything but the topic is on exercising (just eliminated another 40%), more specifically the way that I exercise (and now we’re down to a whopping 2%). While I believe more women should get in the weight room and use weights and dumbbells (and not the pink ones) to get in shape, I don’t think what I’m putting together would either interest a woman nor should one actually try it. Hitting up Jessica Biel for some pointers would be the way to go on that one.

But the piece is coming together rather well so I’ll continue with it. I know a little about weightlifting and a little less about life and absolutely nothing about sex – I’m tossing all three of those in there – so it should be somewhat interesting even if you don’t like lifting weights. In any case you can print it out and pass it along to your friends to see what they think. I should have it finished in a couple of days. After that we’ll go back to getting drunk and fucking the neighbor’s cat, you know, the usual stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey B to the...

I know you don't get too many comments on your blogs, but don't stop writing them. I still read them, daily. Sometimes I check back 2 or 3 times a day just to see if you whipped up something new. So, I just wanted to write you a nice comment to let you know there are still people reading what you have to say, no matter how gross you are :)

Love and kisses!!