Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Weekend In Bed (Not With Woman)

I have been sicker than a dog lately (woof!). Saturday I stayed in bed till 5:00 reading. The Renter came in and jumped on the bed because she said she was bored. I guess I am now the entertainer of the house or something (I have that court jester hat lying around somewhere…). Can’t a brotha enjoy a little quiet time to himself while he’s feeling down and out? Sunday was no better with most of the day spent watching TV. Monday, same thing, watched “40 Year Old Virgin” twice and “The Hulk.” I caught most of “The Punisher” before I had to call it a night.

Besides feeling like shit and not having any energy to do anything, I didn’t have any food in the house. Usually I’ll have something, maybe leftovers from the previous day or a week old burger from George Webb’s. My fridge consisted of four eggs, six ounces of milk, and 19 cans of beer that is probably two months old. I guess I have the condiments for grilling like ketchup, mustard and barbeque sauce, but I didn’t have anything to put them on and consuming them just by themselves is pretty fucking gross (picture “Dumb And Dumber” when they’re eating the inferno peppers).

I have lived in the vicinity of the Mexican restaurant for two years now and I’m growing a bit tired of their food. Tasty shit, I’ve just had too much of it. My only other alternative was to walk to the gas station. Saturday I had a frozen pizza. Sunday I had a frozen pizza. By the time noon on Monday came around I was sick of pizza. Somehow I spent $12 on a sub sandwich, salad, veggies, and a lemonade. $12 on pre-fabbed, shrink-wrapped food that was who knows how old. But when you don’t have many options you do what you can. I certainly didn’t feel like hopping in the car and driving someplace, and the only delivery place that I know of that’s close is (gulp) Pizza Hut.

And now, after lying around all weekend doing nothing, my back hurts. It hurts to bend over and tie my shoes. It hurts to stand up. It hurts when I push the clutch in on the Jeep. Why, after not doing shit, does my back hurt? It snowed twice over the weekend and the Renter was kind enough to shovel. Thank goodness it wasn’t any of the heavy shit otherwise I would have been out there and my back would have a reason to be sore. I didn’t even take the gym clothes to work today; there was no point in carrying them in. Instead I spent the lunch hour reading and watching the construction crews outside my window. Oh, the guy in the John Deer with the rolling ground crusher thing behind him? Yeah, he can eat one. My office was pounding for a good four hours; my mouse even caught air a couple of times. I wish I were kidding about that one.

In my efforts to get better I’m going to do a light workout tonight. It’s funny how when you’re used to lifting weights and then you can’t for a number of days that you feel guilty even though you had no control over the situation. I feel like a weak, pathetic slob right now and need to do something even if it’s just 200 push ups and ten minutes on the bike. I might have to partake in some “other” exercises, too. You know I wasn’t feeling well if I didn’t even want to do “that.” As for my dedicated “photo/video album” computer, I still can’t remember the freaking password. My feeling on this subject is…
Ok, I lied about not doing some of the "other" exercises.

And lastly, this article was on ESPN.com by Wright Thompson last week and I found it to be very disturbing, one of those “this ain’t right” situations where someone gets an undeserved punishment for a slight offense. I’ve cut and pasted parts of the article here since the original is pretty long but if you have time please read the above link.

When he (Genarlow Wilson) was a senior in high school, he received oral sex from a 10th grader. He was 17. She was 15. Everyone, including the girl and the prosecution, agreed she initiated the act. But because of an archaic Georgia law, it was a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex.

Afterward, the state legislature changed the law to include an oral sex clause, but that doesn't help Wilson.

Yet no one will do anything to free him, passing responsibility around like a hot potato. The prosecutors say they were just doing their job. The Supreme Court says it couldn't free him because the state legislature decreed the new law didn't apply to old cases, even though this case was the entire reason the new law was passed.

The night of the offense:

Genarlow Wilson and his friends checked into the Days Inn right off Interstate 20. At some point in the night, according to court documents and evidence presented at trial, some girls came over to party with them. Bourbon and marijuana were consumed. One of the young men turned on a video camera.

Later in the evening, a 17-year-old girl began to have sex with the young men, first in the bathroom, then on the bed. Genarlow is captured on tape appearing to have sex with the girl from behind. Her hand is clearly visible on the floor supporting herself. Witnesses said she was a willing participant.

The next morning, the girl awoke in a stupor, wearing nothing but her socks. She called her mother and said she had been raped. Police came to the room after sunrise and took the revelers in for questioning. Genarlow had already gone home -- he didn't want to miss curfew -- but the video camera remained.

On tape, the cops saw a 15-year-old girl, a 10th-grader, performing oral sex on a partygoer and, after finishing with him, turning and performing the act on Genarlow. She was the instigator, according to her mother's testimony. Problem was, the girl was a year under the age of consent. Local prosecutors called the act aggravated child molestation, following the letter and not the spirit of the law, which was designed to prosecute pedophiles.

The position of Barker and the district attorney, McDade, who refused to comment, is that Wilson is guilty under the law and there is no room for mercy, though the facts seem to say they simply chose not to give it to Wilson. At the same time this trial was under way, a local high school teacher, a white female, was found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a student -- a true case of child molestation. The teacher received 90 days. Wilson received 3,650 days.

Something just isn’t right here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is sooooo fucked up, damn backwards southern hicks!